Bay Street Hireback Ranking

Since 2009, Precedent has tracked the number of articling students Toronto law firms have hired back as first-year associates—and called it the Hireback Watch.

In the interactive chart below, we’ve ranked the firms that have historically taken on the largest crop of students. You can toggle between the past 16 years and sort by the hireback data in each column. And if you click on any firm names, you’ll see its numbers from over the years.

For a broader look at the articling job market, you can browse through our full list of Toronto-wide hireback numbers.

Rank Firm Articling
Hired Back
Number of
opt outs
Hireback Rate*
1 Bennett Jones 18 17 1 100%
5 Blake, Cassels & Graydon 31 26 3 93%
12 Borden Ladner Gervais 29 23 0 79%
8 Cassels Brock & Blackwell 15 13 0 87%
7 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg 11 9 1 90%
10 Dentons 11 9 0 82%
1 Department of Justice 11 8 3 100%
14 Fasken 15 11 0 73%
15 Gowling WLG 15 7 0 47%
6 McCarthy Tétrault 23 21 0 91%
9 McMillan 12 10 0 83%
4 Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt 24 20 3 95%
11 Stikeman Elliott 25 20 0 80%
1 Torys 18 17 1 100%
13 Norton Rose Fulbright 16 12 0 75%
  TOTAL 274 223 12 85%

*Before calculating each hireback rate, we subtracted the opt-outs from each firm's total number of articling students.

Notes on the data

  • Our data for each year before 2012 refers to Ogilvy Renault, which merged with Norton Rose in July 2011.
  • Our data for each year before 2013 refers to the numbers for FMC, which merged with Dentons in March 2013.
  • Our data for each year before 2015 refers to Davis LLP, which merged with DLA Piper in April 2015.
  • Our data for each year before 2016 refers to Gowling Lafleur Henderson, which merged with UK-based Wragge Lawrence Graham to form Gowling WLG in February 2016.
  • The Bay Street Ranking usually includes Goodmans LLP. In 2020, however, Goodmans did not respond to Precedent’s requests for its 2020 hireback data. As a result, the firm does not appear in that year’s final ranking.