Award Precedent Setter Awards 2021: Cindy Kou Meet the lawyer who’s a champion of inclusion in the legal profession
Award The 2020 Precedent Innovation Awards Meet 10 daring lawyers who’ve toppled long-held traditions in the name of making the profession better
Award The 2020 Precedent Innovation Awards: A user-friendly website that outlines how to practise effectively at one of Ontario’s most specialized courts
Award The 2020 Precedent Innovation Awards: Pay Prompt A software program that helps construction companies track payment deadlines in accordance with industry regulations
Award The 2020 Precedent Innovation Awards: GC Forum An organization that brings together senior lawyers on small in-house teams, so they can make connections and discuss common problems
Award The 2020 Precedent Innovation Awards: Law in the Time of COVID-19 A podcast that updates listeners on the ongoing legal implications of the coronavirus crisis
Award The 2020 Precedent Innovation Awards: Slingshot An online subscription service that allows businesses to purchase regular legal advice at a fixed monthly cost
Award The 2020 Precedent Innovation Awards: Mobilaw A mobile law office that provides clients with a safe place to meet their lawyer during the COVID-19 pandemic
Award The 2020 Precedent Setter Awards Meet six emerging lawyers who have become masters of their practice areas and agents of change in the community
Award Precedent Setter Awards 2020: Lindsay Scott Meet the litigator who uses her power to confront injustice