The Lawyer Show is back again, this time performing Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. The show, the first of its kind in Toronto, will feature a cast of 35 lawyers.
The performances will take place at the Berkeley Street Theatre June 6-8.
Kelly Thornton, the director of the show, says while most of the lawyers have some background in acting, they still need help with projecting their voices, knowing where to stand and moving around the stage. However, what they lack in experience they make up for with enthusiasm.
“They are so gung-ho, passionate and excited that they literally will do anything…this gives them a chance to go crazy,” says Thornton. “The audience can expect a lot of laughs and some wild choreography.”
The audience can also expect a steampunk version of the classic play, which will put a 19th-century twist on the story.
The plot of Twelfth Night focuses on a separation of fraternal twins that causes one sibling to pretend she is a man so she can serve a Duke. When her twin brother eventually returns it causes great confusion among the characters.
“It’s a great way to meet other lawyers in a non-adversarial setting,” says the play’s lead, Bronwyn Martin, a litigator at Moodie Mair Walker. “It’s a lot of fun; this year has been busier but overall it’s definitely worth it.”
Tickets to the show cost $55 and the proceeds go toward funding the Nightwood Theatre’s programs.
To win a premium pair of tickets to the opening performance on June 6 at 8 p.m., send an email with your contact information to under the subject headline “Lawyer Show Tickets 2013.” We’ll draw a winner on Friday, May 31. Break a leg!
Photo by Kelly Thornton.