Death & Taxes Dept: Little progress in Garon murders

With little information in the case, many theories have surfaced about what happened
With little information in the case, many theories have surfaced about what happened

GaronWe blogged about the murder of retired Canadian tax court chief justice Alban Garon (at right), his wife Raymonde, and an elderly neighbour back in July 2007 when the grisly homicide was discovered. Four and a half months later, there appears to be little progress in the case, as chronicled by the Globe this morning. Despite the investigators’ focus on the Rochons and close family friends of the Garons, no charges have been laid. The case still offers more questions than answers, and wildly speculative theories have rushed in to fill the information vacuum. The Globe helpfully outlines some of the outlandish scenarios that have been floated, involving a disgruntled Canadian taxpayer, biker gangs, or the Russian mafia.