What’s your all-time favourite movie?

On the scene at the 2011 Precedent Setter Awards
On the scene at the 2011 Precedent Setter Awards

Precedent was on the scene
What: Precedent Setter Awards 2011
Where: TIFF Bell Lightbox
When: June 22, 2011
Question: What’s your all-time favourite movie?

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” Johanna Vandermaas, Ryerson University

A Clockwork Orange.” Brendan Van Niejenhuis, Stockwoods LLP

Gone With the Wind.” Luisa Ritacca, Stockwoods LLP


Good Will Hunting.” Sonia Sharma, ATD Legal

Gladiator.” Chris Sansom, ATD Legal





Fight Club.” Lauren Berdock, Law student at Osgoode

Dumb and Dumber.” Maxim Zavet, Porco Levy Zavet LLP




It’s A Wonderful Life. I’m sentimental!” Mark Polley, Polley Faith LLP

Sliding Doors. That you could just miss the train one day and your life could take a completely different direction made a huge impression on me.” May Cheng, Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP