Artistic licence

Tanisha Tulloch brushes up on her creativity
Tanisha Tulloch brushes up on her creativity

Tanisha Tulloch
Tanisha Tulloch
Torkin Manes LLP

Litigator Tanisha Tulloch decided to be a Lawyer when she was 12 years old, but always knew that art would be a big part of her life. She studied visual arts at York University en route to law school and spent the summer after articling painting florals in her mother’s suburban garden.

Tulloch’s work includes landscapes in watercolour and ink, large abstract acrylics and portraits in pastels and oils. One of her watercolours — of a pond in Unionville — was featured on the cover of The Advocates’ Journal. When she finds time to paint or draw, Tulloch immerses herself completely, working either outside in nature, or in her bright downtown loft. “It has great natural light,” she says.

For Tulloch, whose favourite colour is Prussian Blue, the creativity she brings to the canvas is equally present when she’s practicing law. “Working as a litigator, my brain is firing. Everything is firing, all the lights are on. It’s the same thing when I spend time by myself drawing or painting.”

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Outtakes from the photoshoot
Outtakes: Secret Life Artistic Licence

Photography by Daniel Ehrenworth; Hair and makeup by Shawna Lee; Tabs and robes courtesy of Harcourts