3 things you missed at the Canadian International Autoshow

For those that missed the Canadian International Autoshow, here's a selection of Paul Rand's favourite cars
For those that missed the Canadian International Autoshow, here's a selection of Paul Rand's favourite cars

 Busy lawyers don’t always get out to the events they’d like to. Consider a conversation I recently overheard in an elevator:

Rider 1: “… I’d wanted to go to the Toronto Autoshow last week. However, being the busy lawyer I am, I was unable to make time.”

Rider 2: “I too was interested in taking in the spectacle of the Toronto Autoshow, 2012. But, like you — a young lawyer — I had too much on my plate.”

Riders 1 & 2 (in unison, while giving each other a high-five): “I wonder what I missed?!”

Okay, that’s not exactly how the conversation went. My paraphrasing captures the essence, though. No, not necessarily the essence of what they “said,” more just the spirit of what they were thinking — what they would have been saying … had they been talking…

Anyway, for the benefit of those two busy young lawyers and anyone else who missed the Canadian International Autoshow (Toronto Autoshow) last month, here are my three favourites from the array of amazing cars that were on display.

1. Lexus’ LFA super car. On display was a white LFA, one of 10 that will be sold to Canadians.  Worldwide, Lexus is planning to sell only 500 of these 552 hp V-10 powered whiplashers. The limited production means that if you didn’t see it at the Autoshow, you may not see another.

2. BMW’s Vision ConnectedDrive concept vehicle. This is still a concept car, so it won’t be rolling down the highway any time soon. Nevertheless, it looks stunning and it gives an idea of where BMW’s styling is heading. It also involves some pretty intense technology which, from what I understand, may result in safer, easier driving — or an experience slightly more like driving an iPad.

3. Aston Martin’s One-77. If you didn’t get to see it at the Autoshow, no problem, there are going to be 77 of them in the world. You’re bound to come across one again soon. (It’s also pictured above.) This is the car that James Bond would drive, if he was trying to be more like James Bond. It’s seriously cool. It also has a significant Canadian connection, as major components of the One-77 are subcontracted to a Markham company called Mulitmatic. (Dear Multimatic, if you can get me one, I’d be ever so grateful…)

Paul Rand is a Toronto-based in-house capital markets lawyer who loves cars. At the time of publication, he has no demerit points on his licence.

Image: astonmartin.com