What’s the hardest thing about taking highly stylized portraits of lawyers showcasing their hobbies? “Well, they’re fucking lawyers,” says photographer Daniel Ehrenworth, with a laugh. His work has appeared in Precedent for the past eight years and his favourite “Secret Life” shots appear below. Though he’s not photographing models, who are used to sitting in makeup chairs and posing under studio lighting, Ehrenworth’s found a certain charm that comes from working with lawyers — and he loves it.
“Lawyers are very cerebral people,” he says. But, at the same time, when the photographer pulls out all the stops to get a great shot (like holding that dead fish next to litigator Alex Curry’s face), the lawyers are usually game. “That makes it easy to do my job,” he says. Which is, ultimately, “to make them look really cool.”

Lidiya Yermakova, Lerners

Brian Temins, Minden Gross

Dan Giantsopoulos, Blaney McMurtry

Alex Curry, Beard Winter
This story is from our 10th anniversary issue, published in Fall 2017.
Photography by Daniel Ehrenworth