Advice The new era of associate pushback Inside law firms, junior lawyers have started to take issue with certain clients on ethical grounds
Advice In defence of staying put Far too many lawyers leave their jobs without considering the long-term implications of that decision
Advice Treat your top lawyers like royalty If you want to impress (and keep) your best talent, you’ll need to scrap the annual review and end your obsession with origination credits
Advice Is it time to call a legal recruiter? A lawyer’s guide to the world of professional recruitment
Advice The lateral move playbook When starting a new job, keep your door open to visitors, invite a colleague to lunch and treat people with kindness
Advice The surprising link between litigation and stand-up comedy As a comedian-turned-lawyer, I’ve discovered that making an argument in court is a lot like performing at a nightclub
Advice A step-by-step guide to legal mentorship With time and patience, we can steer junior associates in the right direction
Advice Pop culture recommendations from six managing partners We asked some of Toronto’s top lawyers to tell us what they enjoyed watching, reading and listening to over the last year of partial lockdown
Advice How to avoid the most common mistakes that new associates make You’ll need more than intellect and a strong work ethic