
New year, new you

Tired of making "life" new year's resolutions? Get inspired by Emma's fashion resolutions instead
Tired of making "life" new year's resolutions? Get inspired by Emma's fashion resolutions instead

It’s a brand new year. And I don’t know about you, readers, but I’m excited to leave 2012 behind. After a brutal few months at work and suffering through the “novovirus” (whatever that was), I’m ready for a fresh start. For the first time ever, in addition to the usual life resolutions (go to the gym more often, bring my lunch) I’m making the following style resolutions in an effort to revive my wardrobe and my life:

Resolution #1: I will finally focus on my weekend wardrobe. You read that right — weekend wardrobe. But wait, isn’t this supposed to be a work style column? Well, yes…but all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl. You’ve gotta live a little, and you can look good doing it! I don’t know about you, but my wardrobe can be split into two categories: work clothing, and anything that resembles sweatpants, yoga pants, sweatshirts and T-shirts that would be appropriate for painting and window washing. In other words, I end up wearing my work blazers and blouses on the weekend. Which is all well and good from a versatility and budgeting perspective, but also kind of sad. So I’ll ensure that not everything I buy is for work. (This also makes me think of a new “life” resolution — actually get out and enjoy the weekend!)

Resolution #2: For every new piece I buy, I will donate another. Easier said than done. Right now, my closet looks like a bomb exploded in it. And I’m not alone — for many of us, more is better. We get attached to the stuff we wore in previous years, whether for comfort or nostalgia. We think that more stuff equals more options. But guess what? That packed closet is a false sense of security. Too many options mean that the really good items — the clothing that makes you feel like a million bucks — are forgotten, pressed between ill-fitting pants and skirts from your articling student days (I still have the very first suit I bought in 2005 for on-campus interviews. I have not worn it in three years). If you’re anything like me, you just end up wearing the same pieces anyway — why try to convince yourself that you’ll wear that high-waisted skirt with the price tags still on it? You, your lifestyle and your body will all change. Don’t let the old prevent you from experiencing the new!

Resolution #3: I will search out clothing options off the beaten path. Don’t get me wrong — I will always go to Zara, J. Crew and H&M. They’re like the fashion equivalent of your best friends from high school — they know you, and they’re always there for you. But sometimes we have to branch out. There are tons of undiscovered gems in Toronto, from little indie shops and vintage stores to lines at department stores hidden among the stuff your mom buys. With the help of style blogs and some patient fashion-forward friends, I’m going to move out of my shopping comfort zone. Ultimately, scavenging the lesser-known shops means supporting local talent and finding unique pieces.

Resolution #4: I will seek inspiration from other women. Right now, I’m obsessed with fashion blogger Ahn at 9to5chic. She simply oozes sophistication, and I kind of want to be her. I also love model Miranda Kerr’s style — she mixes prints with traditional pieces and her unconventional accessories always make her stand out. My work colleagues inspire me as well; Sharon always manages to look elegant in classic pieces with statement jewellery, while Christina’s chic hairstyles and love of colour (I especially covet her cobalt pumps) encourage me to move beyond black. Honestly, the best source of ideas is other women. Observe them and learn!

So there you have it: my style resolutions are complete and in print for the world to see. Hopefully by the next time you read Style Counsel, I will actually be putting these goals to good use (unlike my “go to the gym more often” and “bring my lunch” resolutions, which I already know will fail, considering that it’s already the third full week of January and I have neither gone to the gym nor brought my lunch a single time). But enough about me. Readers: what are your 2013 style resolutions?

Emma Williamson is a fashion-obsessed corporate commercial lawyer at FMC. Her mission is to inspire Precedent’s female readers to break out of a style rut while obeying obvious and not-so-obvious workplace dress codes. Follow her on Twitter: @EmmaWorkStyle.
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