Advice In defence of staying put Far too many lawyers leave their jobs without considering the long-term implications of that decision
Advice The lateral move playbook When starting a new job, keep your door open to visitors, invite a colleague to lunch and treat people with kindness
Advice A step-by-step guide to legal mentorship With time and patience, we can steer junior associates in the right direction
Opinion Does it feel like you’re languishing in your career? Once we settle into a role, we can get stuck in an endless loop of similar files on behalf of identical clients
Advice How to avoid the most common mistakes that new associates make You’ll need more than intellect and a strong work ethic
Opinion The pandemic has dealt a devastating blow to mentorship in the profession How can we stage a comeback?
Opinion Stop telling junior lawyers to work hard and keep their heads down This common piece of career advice misunderstands what it truly takes to succeed in law
Wellness The ultimate cure to workplace burnout We have to rediscover what’s most meaningful about our work