Mos Mos Coffee

The best coffee in the PATH

Julia Lefebvre gives us the lowdown on Mos Mos Coffee
Julia Lefebvre gives us the lowdown on Mos Mos Coffee

Julia Lafebvre

Julia Lefebvre

Bersenas Jacobsen Chouest Thomson Blackburn LLP

Making the case: “I’m obsessed with Mos Mos. It’s a fantastic coffee shop where they steam the milk for every order — it’s basically a café au lait for the price of a regular coffee. They’re also the friendliest people, and they go out of their way to get to know your name.

“I’m always bumping into lawyers there — usually on their coffee breaks and usually when I’m late for work. Good thing the lineup moves fast.”

Where to find it: Commerce Court East in the PATH, right next to the doors to King Station

Failsafe order: The flat white

The extra touch: A dash of cocoa on your coffee

This story is from our Summer 2015 issue.




Photography by Braden Alexander